Each year I set goals for myself and then evaluate how well I’ve done to meet them. This right here is the evaluation part… it’s always much more difficult than the bit where I actual set the goals LOL
2019 Goals
- Compile and publish a collection of the ‘She’s on the Bottom’ stories
I totally forgot I was going to do this. Which, honestly, mostly means I need to ‘Check current goals’ into my planner at regular intervals. I’ve done this so hopefully I won’t miss goals this year because I’ve just totally forgotten about them.
- Finish writing and editing the third (currently untitled) Prairie Magic novel
Alas, I made zero progress on this. In fact, the Post-it notes detailing the scenes I have written are starting to lose their ability to stick to things, which cannot possibly be a good sign.
- Write the next part of the Running on Empty series
Also didn’t do this. Honestly, I didn’t write a single new word of fiction in 2019 I don’t think…
- Publish THH (Full title to be announced in time) via P&K
These Hollow Hearts by Em Shotwell hit the shelves in March 2019. Yay!
- Publish LGLFL (Full title to be announced in time) via P&K
Lesser Gods Looking For Love by Wendy Sparrow hit the shelves in May 2019. Whoot!
- Publish DDL (Full title to be announced in time) via P&K
Destiny’s Dark Light by Sara Dobie Bauer hit the shelves in October 2019. Yay!
- Publish Haunted via P&K
Haunted, edited by Trysh Thompson, was released on September 13, 2019. 🙂
- Set some concrete, measurable 5 and 10 year goals
Concrete, measurable goals I don’t have… but I do have a vague idea of what the next three to five years will hold, and that’s not nothing.
- Open up to submissions for my ‘Power Play’ anthology.
Well… I opened up submissions but then I had to cancel the anthology. Mostly, I think that was my fault — I didn’t promote the submissions as well as I should have, and because of that and the rather niche nature of the subject of the anthology, I didn’t receive enough high-quality submissions to move ahead with this one.
I feel pretty guilty about this, because some people did submit some great stories, but because of my time management failure they weren’t able to find a home with me. I hope they found homes elsewhere though.
Also, in addition to those goals we also published INKomplete: The Total Tattoo Studio by Mara Malins in December 2019.
I also opened up a Patreon that includes all of my currently available short fiction. So far that has mostly just sat and collected dust… but it’s there. So that must count for something LOL
So, though I didn’t hit all of my goals, I was far from idle in 2019. When I set my goals for this year, however, I’m going to have to keep in mind that there are only twenty-four hours in a day, and I need to spend some of them sleeping.