2016 Goals

Aight, 2016

It’s (past) time to set my goals for 2016 down on this page. I need to do this every year to keep myself focused, at least a little bit 🙂 There have been some developments the past couple weeks that tossed me for a bit of a loop but I’ve got my feet back under me again and I’m looking forward with enthusiasm and excitement 🙂

My Goals for 2016


  • Get all the stories from the She’s on the Bottom Erotica Under Glass theme transcribed and make them available for sponsorship
  • Have a successful Erotica Under Glass event
  • Write the first draft of The Ringmaster
  • Have at least one story published that is not self-published
  • Self-publish Circles Within Circles (optional)
  • Write and give away one holiday-themed story
  • Co-write a story with Alexa Piper

Bonus points to myself if I manage to complete the first draft of The Manor or the first draft of something connected to Circles Within Circles.

Editing / Publishing:

  • Edit and publish Rough Edges 
    • Promote it well enough to reach my personal sales goals (no you don’t get to know what they are :-p)
  • Edit kINKED
    • Publish this either late this year or early next year
    • Promote it well enough to reach my personal sales goals
  • Set up the publishing website
  • Publish some of the Erotica Under Glass stories
    • This is dependent upon sponsorship


I’ve got lots of other plans for this year–for example Anna Kyle has a new book coming out that I’ll be helping signal boost, and Alexa Piper and I have some fun things brewing–but those are my main goals.

I think I’ve got this.


Randomly, my partner is teasing me for using the word ‘aight’ on that graphic, but I stand behind my choice :-p

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