Canada Day Blog Hop

Canada Day Blog Hop

Taylor Kitsch and Poutine

Photo by Neilson Barnard - © 2014 Getty Images - Image courtesy
Photo by Neilson Barnard – © 2014 Getty Images – Image courtesy

I was stuck for a topic for this blog, drawing a total blank. I took to Twitter and asked if it would be cheating for me to just post an excerpt and Wendy Sparrow said that yes, yes it would. Then she suggested a whole bunch of blog topics that were really good ideas but would require a lot of research. Now, Wendy is just finishing up a bunch of revisions on her Servants of Fate novellas which I’m going to be publishing this autumn so I think she was mostly trying to get back at me for something (which is totally unfair because I’m not even her editor, Trysh Thompson is!).


Then, as research I Googled “Sexy Canadian Dudes” and you will not believe what I found out.


Did you know this? I did not know this.

My gi-freaking-normous crush on Taylor started when he played Tim Riggins on Friday Night Lights (yes I know that character is underage but the actor isn’t — shuddup! :-p)

Taylor is probably #2 on my list of dudes I’m crushing on (right there between David Tennant and Neil Gaiman). And his eyes! Dude… check these out:

(AP Photo/Victoria Will)
(AP Photo/Victoria Will)

OH. MY. GAWD. Right?


Anyway, after having a little freakout about his hotness (and our shared citizenship) on Twitter I asked people to ask me questions so I’d have something to write about. Jen DeLuca wanted to know about the second yummiest thing to come out of Canada–Taylor being #1, obviously–poutine!

Poutine. You’ve heard of it right? French fries topped with cheese curds and gravy. It sounds disgusting and often looks pretty nasty but seriously, this is some yummy stuff. Honestly! Real purists will insist on squeaky cheese curds but I’m not a purist, I actually tend to prefer stringy mozzarella cheese. Om nom nom nom!

I don’t know who first thought, “You know what fries and gravy needs? Cheese!” but that person, whoever they were, was a genius.

If you’ve never had poutine before, seriously, try some. And remember all poutine is not created equally so if the first one you haven’t isn’t awesome, well, try it again 😉

My favourite poutine these days (it changes based on my mood) comes from a local bar–Pub 1905, but my partner swears by New York Fries.

Om nom nom.

Almost as tasty as *cough*

Oh right! As part of this blog tour not only do you get to see nom-able pictures, but you also get a chance to win prizes!

In addition to the grand prize for this blog hop–a $50 Amazon Gift Card–which you can enter to win here:

Enter to Win the $50 Amazon Gift Card

(Go ahead, it’ll open in a new window and I’ll wait…)

I’m also giving away a paperback copy of Rough Edges (shipped anywhere in the world).

Rough Edges Cover

Nothing is sexier than someone who knows what they want and has the confidence go after it. This anthology is crammed full of hot romances featuring those kinds of rough-around-the-edges alpha personalities–stories about the kind of men and women who ride horses during the day and their partners at night, who speak few words but mean every one of them, and who would never break their own personal code of honor. We’re talking about cowboys… and cowgirls.

This anthology contains seven romances with a Western theme that run the gamut from sweet to sizzling.

There are two ways to enter the draw for this book. Firstly, if you’re subscribed to my mailing list you’re already entered (if you’re not subscribed you can change that right here). The other way to enter is to leave a comment to this blog post and tell me who, or what, you think the yummiest thing in Canada is.

Once you’ve entered for the grand prize and entered for the copy of Rough Edges, check out these other stops on the tour, each of which is also giving away something awesome:

PD Workman – Summer is Short on the Prairies Canadiana Prize Pack, including paperback copy of Questing for a Dream
Jessica Subject – a paperback copy of Alien Next Door – the Complete Series
Romarin DemetriA Mirror Among Shattered Glass
Lisa Emme – a signed copy of Home Again
Nathan Burgoine – a copy of Light
Kayleigh Malcolm – $20 CAD Amazon Gift Card


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