K is for Killing Kittens
Killing kittens sounds super menacing (and horrible) but around my house it’s a euphemism for masturbation, and it’s all because of the picture above 🙂
Killing kittens sounds super menacing (and horrible) but around my house it’s a euphemism for masturbation, and it’s all because of the picture above 🙂
I’m really late putting this post up because I didn’t have internet for most of the day. Good times. *eyeroll* Even now, while I have a net connection my husband is working behind me to stabilise it and I’m hearing … Continue reading
I is for I am a day behind and I’m okay with that 🙂 I will try to catch up this weekend, but yup, I’m a day behind on this challenge. I bit off a bit more than I could … Continue reading
I like exploring scenes and stories from different perspectives and that is one of the reasons why most of the stories I share here will have at least two different versions. Some will be his and hers versions, some top … Continue reading
I had no idea what to choose for the letter G. Gender? Glass (as in writing under glass)? G-spot? LOL In the end I’ve decided to go with something that, I think, is relevant to everyone who is sexually active. … Continue reading