Christmas Stories :)


I won! Yay!

This was my twelfth year doing NaNo, and I win more often than not, but this victory felt more hard won than many others. In the end, though, I crossed the finish line and ended up with 50,000 words… some of which are usable LOL

I wrote much of this long hand (my preferred way to write first drafts) but when I really fell behind I switched to typing to speed things up. Because of that and the fact I worked on more than one story at a time, while I can be certain my final word count for the month was just over 50,000 I have to guess at the word counts for the individual stories I was working on. I  was ‘rebelling’ in that I wasn’t writing a novel but was instead working on stories for my Paranormal Circus Erotica Under Glass project.

I wasn’t actually sure where to begin with the Under Glass stuff. I wanted to produce stories of various lengths from short (3,000 words) to a short novel (60,000 words) that were all interconnected. Starting with the novel seemed like a really bad idea, actually, because I needed to know some of the minutiae of what was going on around the circus before I began that, so I started with what was meant to be a short story.

So far it’s about… eh, I’d say 20,000 words long. >_<

As I was writing that I came to a point where the tension was just lacking and I needed to take some time to figure out how to fix that, but NaNoWriMo doesn’t allow for you to press pause and think about things. So while I let one part of my brain chew on how to fix the problems with Ben and Maggie’s story, I moved on and began writing another story. Another Cairn and Mary story.

CoverChristmas-200x300Cairn and Mary’s story is a Christmas tale that also turned out longer than I expected. I think it’s about 10,ooo words long… It is in desperate need of an edit and as much as I’d love to promise that it will be ready by Christmas, I just can’t. I’m aiming for that but the odds are not in my favour. >_<

However! If you’re looking for a kinky Christmas treat you could check out Merry XXXmas. This is the collection of some of my older Christmas stories and it’s free from Amazon until December 5th. If you read it and like it, maybe consider leaving a review (or just some stars) for it. Going in you should know, these stories are much more steam than substance 😉




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