Cover Reveal: Running on Empty

I said that if, by some miracle, I finished everything on today’s to-do list I would do a cover reveal for Running on Empty (formerly titled The Last Men on Earth). Now, it’s 8:30 at night so absolutely not the best time to do a cover reveal, but I’m gonna do it anyway. Because that’s how I roll 🙂

I’d say drum roll please, but you can already see the cover, even as you’re reading this :-p

Running on Empty

“Not even if you were the last men on Earth!” Liv shouted the last time she’d seen Jacob and Liam, but now the world really has come to an end and she doesn’t have anywhere else to turn.

I’m going to be releasing this Erotica Under Glass title for FREE on June 21st, alongside another steamy under glass story, Moonlight and Magic. I’ll do the cover reveal for that one later this week.

More information about Running on Empty is available here, including an excerpt, because I love you.

In the meantime, add Running on Empty to your shelves on Goodreads!


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