
That? That was me last night. I was talking to my partner about the new story I’m writing.

Me: It’s so weird, I’m 1,600 (5 pages) in and there’s no sex yet.

Him: You’re doing it wrong.

Me: No, I think I might be writing erotic romance. Which is weird. But in a good way because I want to submit it to Demons, Imps and Incubi.

Him: What, what and what?

So I went to the Red Moon Romance website to show him the covers and that’s when I turned into Kermit up there. Because, you see, I discovered that the deadline for submissions is December 31st.


That may seem like plenty of time, but I have a lot of things on my plate right now. I didn’t realise I was going to have to, erm, pump this story out as quickly as I must to submit it.

Still, pretty exciting and weird. Being five pages in with no sex yet, I mean 😉


ETA: Why isn’t my Kermit flailing? My Kermit is meant to flail, damn it!

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