Naughty Stories — Makin’ a List

Santa Stud

She’s makin’ a list, and checkin’ it twice…

Actually, I already made the list but after checking it a second time I realized there was a little room to add a couple more names… or in this case titles.

Red Moon Romance is going to be releasing a sexy Christmas title in the not-so-distant future, but we’ve got a little bit of time before the manuscript needs to be completed, and some open spaces on the table of contents.

If you’ve got a winter holiday themed romance or erotica story (reprints welcome!) 3,000 – 20,000 words long I’d love to consider it.

Please send your submissions to me as an attachment (.rtf, .doc or .docx) at before October 15th.

This anthology pays a pro-rata share of 40% net profit on anthology sales distributed among the contributing authors based on story word-count plus a trade paperback copy of the anthology. No advance.

I really hope to hear from you!

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