Omega Rising Blog Tour

OMEGA_RISING200x300To celebrate Omega Rising‘s release, we’ve got a blog tour goin’ on! So if you find yourself on the fence about picking up a copy, or you just want to know more about Anna, the book or the series, make sure and check these out:

June 6th

Erzabet’s Enchantments — Interview and Excerpt

June 7th

Indie Book Fairy — Interview

Randi Perrin — Interview

June 8th

Dea Poirier — Guest Post from Anna — I call Shenanagains

June 9th

Foreplay and Fangs — Guest Post from Anna — Thank you for letting me rant…

Writing, Shadows, and Two Imps — Interview

Books on Fire — Excerpt

June 10th

Night Owl Reviews — Guest Post from Anna — Questions Readers Ask

Room with Books — Guest Post from Anna — Top 10 Reasons Authors Need Dogs

Torie James — Interview

June 11th

Books and More — Guest Post from Anna — Daily Author Rituals

The Book Mistress — Anna Kyle Blog Tour

Em Shotwell — Excerpt and Review

June 12th

Cynthia Bloggs — Excerpts

Shelli Rosewarne — Interview with Anna

June 13th

Jen DeLuca — Playlist for Omega Rising

June 14th

Romancing the Book — Interview with Anna

Romance Reviews Today — Interview with Anna

Of course, in addition to all those, I will have at least one more blog about Omega Rising here, and you can bet World Weaver Press and Anna will both have content on their blogs as well. So what I’m saying is, there is no shortage of content around to help you make up your mind about whether or not Omega Rising is something you’ll enjoy and I’m betting that it is 🙂

Get it online:

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