Rough Edges

Rough Edges Cover

Yeehaw! It’s here, it’s here, it’s finally here! Rough Edges is finally here!

The road to this anthology seeing publication was as rough as the ride on a bucking bronco!

…okay, maybe it was more like mutton bustin’, but it was not without obstacles, twists, turns and a few crow hops tossed in for good measure. But it’s here!

This is the first erotic anthology I edited where I got to choose the theme. The Naughty List came before this, and while I’m very proud of that book, someone else had chosen the theme long before I began work on it. For Rough Edges I’ve been here for the whole ride– from when the gate opened straight through to the buzzer.

The longest eight seconds ever.

I’m not going to try to sell you on this anthology. If you’ve been following me for a while now you’ve been listening to me talk about it for months and months. You know what it’s about. If you’re new here, well, I think the cover about says it all, and what it misses Sara nails:

“This erotic anthology of adventure in the Wild West tradition gives new meaning to the phrase ‘bucking bronco.’ Not to be missed, Rough Edges will make you want to save a horse and ride a … well, you get the idea.”– Sara Dobie Bauer author, Bite Somebody

If you haven’t picked up a copy and you’d like one there are links below. If you’ve pre-ordered a copy today is the day you finally get to read it. I hope you enjoy the ride!

Get It Online Now!

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