
Blogging from A to ZY? Why do I write erotica?

There are lots of reasons but the top two are:

1. It’s low pressure.

When I find that I’m over-thinking my work under my real name, blocked or just plain need a break, writing something smutty helps. If I’m writing something more porn-y than erotic-y (which, you may have noticed, I tend to do) it means I don’t have to worry about plot or motivation so much. Things can be a bit clunky or overly-convenient. At long as they are hot. Sometimes that’s just the thing I need to break through my writer’s block and get writing the other stuff again. And, interestingly enough, it works the other way around too. If I’m blocked and feeling uninspired to write porntastic stuff, writing something in another genre sometimes kicks things loose and suddenly I’ve loads of sexy ideas.

2. It’s fun.

Sex is fun. I mean, if you’re doing it right it is, and so is writing about it. Straight-up. I like thinking up sexy scenarios and playing with my characters. It’s fun, and if other people can enjoy the fruits of my imagination too, well, all the better.

Do you write? Is it for similar reasons to me?

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